- Blackheads are a problem for many people, no matter the age.
- Generally, they are appearing on the face, especially on the nose, and is formed after the pores are blocked due to the accumulation of dirt, sebum and keratin. Blackheads are not a threat to health, but gives a bad complexion.
Fortunately there is a simple and effective trick, with which you can get rid of them!
- You need honey, a pinch of cinnamon and a few pieces of wool.
- Mix honey and cinnamon in a small bowl, then apply an appropriate amount of paste resulting on the nose affected by blackheads.
- Put a piece of cotton wool on the nose and wait 3 to 5 minutes.
- After you remove it, you’ll notice that they were separated and remained glued on the cotton.
- Subsequently rinse thoroughly your face and apply a moisturizer.